Ziolis Pathlab And Multispeciality Clinic


HIGH RESOLUTION USG is an advanced imaging technique that utilizes sound waves to create detailed and high-resolution images of internal body structures.

It offers improved visualization of anatomical details compared to conventional ultrasound by using higher frequency sound waves.

  • Sound Wave Generation: A transducer, which is a handheld device, is used to generate and emit high-frequency sound waves into the body.
  • Sound Wave Propagation: The emitted sound waves travel through the body tissues and encounter different types of structures, such as organs, blood vessels, or tissues with varying densities.
  • Reflection and Echoes: When the sound waves encounter boundaries between different tissues or structures, such as the interface between muscle and bone, they bounce back as echoes.
  • Image Formation: The echoes are captured by the transducer, which acts as a receiver. The transducer converts the received echoes back into electrical signals.
  • Signal Processing: The electrical signals are processed and analyzed by the ultrasound machine.
  • Image Display: The processed ultrasound signals are displayed in real-time on a monitor, allowing the healthcare provider to visualize the internal structures in detail.

Overall, high-resolution ultrasound is a valuable imaging technique that provides detailed and real-time visualization of internal structures. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions across different specialties.
